juli 01, 2008

The European Bureau for Conservation and Development, (EBCD)

EBCD’s activities are mainly focused on :

Fisheries, Aquaculture, Ocean Policy



Wildlife Management

Trade And Environment

Rural Development

International Environmental Agreements /Conventions (CITES, CBD, IWC and other UN bodies such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

In relation to these topics EBCD :

monitors EU and global environmental policy and other related policies such as fisheries, agriculture forestry, rural development trade and environment.

provides information analysis and advise to policy makers, users and managers worldwide.

facilitates contacts with key policy-makers of the EU (informs targeted EU institutions - Commission, Parliament, Economic and Social Committee, and Council - and seeks to ensure that EU policies are consistent with sustainable development principles).

undertakes EU funded conservation and development projects both in the EU and in developing countries and facilitates contacts with NGOs and government agencies in obtaining project funding from the EU.

advises and facilitates access to EU funding.

organises seminars, workshops and conferences.
Seas at Risk
Fondation Nicolas Hulot "Planète eau".

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