januar 06, 2012

CBSS News to ouyr members

The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Declarationwelcomes Germany as the incoming Presidency for 2011-2012 and its invitation to host the 9th Baltic Sea States Summit on 30 – 31 May 2012; of the 16th CBSS Ministerial Session, Oslo, 7 June 2011

-decides to hold the 17th Ministerial Session of the CBSS in the Russian Federation in 2013.

Baltic Sea Region Border Control Cooperation
The BSRBCC was established at the 5th Ministerial Session of the CBSS in 1996 at the level of the heads of the relevant national authorities in the fields of Border/Frontier/Coast Guards. The BSRBCC focuses on security-related issues concerning border control in the Baltic Sea Region. Among the most important issues on its agenda are: developing of practical forms of cooperation, simplifying communication routines between the parties (e.g. the development of the data transmission system COASTNET), and cooperating with FRONTEX; sea exercises and operations; exchanging information about the tasks and authorities of border services in the area of security controls at sea ports, marinas and sea areas; counteracting terrorism; and exchanging experiences and evaluations of existing standards of security controls.

The 12thAnnual Summit of the Baltic Sea Region Border Cooperation Conference will be held 24-26 November 2008 in Potsdam, Germany.

February 2012: 6 - 7 February
Foreign Ministers Meeting regarding the 20th Anniversary of the CBSS

April 2012: 24 - 25 April, Berlin
Baltic Sea Days.

May 2012: 9 - 10 May, Rostock
9th Baltic Transport Forum and 4th Industry Meeting for Logistics and Economy, in the context of the 4th Baltic Future trade show.

3 - 12 May, Greifswald
Nordic Sound, 21st Festival of the North-European Culture.
The CBSS Committee of Senior Officials Meeting, Priority: Culture.

9 - 13 May, Schleswig-Holstein and Southern Denmark
Folk Baltica Festival.

20 May, Gdansk and Gothenburg
Eropean Sea Day. A joint event of the CBSS Expert Group on Maritime Policy, Baltic Sea parliamentary Conference (BSPC) and Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation (BSSSC).

30 - 31 May, Stralsund
Baltic Sea States Summit, by invitation of the Chancellor of Germany.

June 2012
28 June - 1 July, Luneburg
32nd International Hansa Days.
Click here to visit the website