september 03, 2007

Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change

Reports, investigations and research upon Climate Change is very hipe at the moment.
To debate constructive please use some time to consume the knowledge at present.

NEE-NØ has taken the step to prepare an conference i April 2008 to put focus on Climate Change and capacity building within the projects of EU institutions.

We calle upon Accelerators to plan the conference together with some of our researchers in the network.

Use the links:
Climate in europe


Security and Climate

UN and Climate

DIIS report om Hold hovedet koldt!

august 24, 2007

Strategi træf med samarbejdspartnere

Tak for de nyttige og skarpe inspirationer den 11. August 2007 i Gøteborg.
En hilsen til de mange Jazzvenner, som vi fik et gensyn med under Gøteborgs Jazzfestival. Nogen af dem traf vi på kunsportavenyn under sweetFeet dansen til god jazzmusik - og rundt om hos Harrys, Hotel Europa, Rudebacke Gymnasium og Valands Festbanket.

En hilsen også til de tre Østeuropæer, som havde "godt nyt" med fra NEE-East og deres Katowice-symposie!
På gensyn til de mange ved OSLO`s jazzfestival 2008 i 2008 og måske også Århus Jazzfestival 2008.

Mange af os vil også mødes i 2008 på Bornholm og i Katowice.

juli 26, 2007

Kiel-Symposiet Nyheder

Hello venner i Netværket Østeuropa!

Tak for fremmøde hos Claes og Gudmund`s arrangement i Lund!
Sidste nyt fra Krakow er at de bliver 38 deltagere og de har fundet to
sponsorer, som ser ud til at være spændende.
Sidste nyt fra Heinz og Hans er at der bliver 32 deltagere i Kiel-
symposiet i September og alle forberedelser ser godt ud.
Vores franske Strategimøde plan er aflyst. Istedet for er de to
Symposier udvidet med to dage ekstra, for at nå igennem.
Hvis det er muligt vil jeg deltage i Kiel, men det afhænger af så
Men mit strategi-oplæg ser færdigt ud, så det er bare om at tage fat
på forberedelserne allerede nu.

Nyttige link:

Andre indlæg findes på Programsiden for Kiel-Symposiet og Krakow-
Symposiet. Der findes også den engelske version samt indlægstekst på 4 sprog.

Vi ses
Valdemar Thomsen

maj 17, 2007

april 10, 2007

Social Indicators as a compare EQ5 and SS"

Society at a Glance is a one-stop-shop for OECD reports and statistics on Hungary. If you browse at EQ5 and compare SS" then you can imagine, that social welfare and growth does not always go together the right way!

marts 22, 2007

Strategi-møde afholdes i år 2 steder St.Thomé og Krakow!

Strategi-møde i Uge 37 for NEE-Grupper - 2 steder i 2007!

Netværket Østeuropa har sammen med 4 øvrige NEE-Grupper fra Baltikum og Skandinavien Strategimøde i St.Thomé i Uge 36-37. Information via samt

Bremen- og Krakow-grupperne er arrangør for øvrige NEE-Grupper fra Wien, Ljubliana, Bukarest og Budapest i Østeuropa i Krakow i uge 37. Information via or

Begge Strategi-konferencer afholdes efter det koncept man blev enige om på Skagens-mødet i 2006.

februar 14, 2007

To have fresh water is a human need!

The fault line between sanitation
and water
In rich countries clean water is now available at
the twist of a tap. Private and hygienic sanitation
is taken for granted. Concern over water
shortages may occasionally surface in some
countries. But that concern has to be placed in
perspective. Children in rich countries do not
die for want of a glass of clean water. Young girls
are not kept home from school to make long
journeys to collect water from streams and rivers.
And waterborne infectious disease is a subject
for history books, not hospital wards and
The contrast with poor countries is striking.
While deprivation is unequally distributed
across regions, the facts of the global water crisis
speak for themselves. Some 1.1 billion people
in the developing world do not have access to a
minimal amount of clean water. Coverage rates
are lowest in Sub-Saharan Africa, but most people
without clean water live in Asia. Deprivation
in sanitation is even more widespread. Some
2.6 billion people—
half the developing world’s
do not have access to basic sanitation.
And systemic data underreporting means
that these figures understate the problem.
“Not having access” to water and sanitation
is a polite euphemism for a form of deprivation
that threatens life, destroys opportunity
and undermines human dignity. Being without
access to water means that people resort to
ditches, rivers and lakes polluted with human
or animal excrement or used by animals. It also
means not having sufficient water to meet even
the most basic human needs.
While basic needs vary, the minimum
threshold is about 20 litres a day. Most of the
1.1 billion people categorized as lacking access
to clean water use about 5 litres a day—onetenth
of the average daily amount used in rich
countries to flush toilets. On average, people in
Europe use more than 200 litres—in the United
States more than 400 litres.

februar 07, 2007

Small steps with greath care!

I will in this month telle you some story-telling from Poland!

I will be back soon.
Hans Audius

Splendid Conference in Lund 3-4 February 2007

Most members at this Internal Conference 3-4 of February 2007 at Lund was most satisfied!
Material from the Board can be achieved by Hans Audius, Gdansk.
Most welcome back in April in Kiel.
Lars Lund, Kiel.